RS Divas adding a touch of glam

For a new initiative supporting the SickKids Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), members of the SickKids Foundation Chinese Cabinet launched a fundraising gala event called “Glitter in Macau” which featured a night of gourmet dining, entertainment and casino tables at the Shangri-la Hotel.

This cabinet is led by Frank Luk and Justin Poy, who were in attendance that evening.

Justin Poy, SickKids Foundation Board Member and Co-Chair, Chinese Cabinet at the podium

Justin Poy, SickKids Foundation Board Member and Co-Chair, Chinese Cabinet at the podium

Among the evening’s plentiful amount of entertainment there was a mime, the glamorous ladies from RS Divas (pictured above) and music by Bellosound. But the highlight was 16-year-old, Nicole Leung, a SickKids patient who had open-heart surgery when she was less than six months old. She’s now healthy, in Grade 11 and pursuing her passion as an opera singer. So, as guests, we were lucky to hear a sample of her vocal abilities on this special night.

The evening’s Pan-asian cuisine at the Shangri-La was top notch as expected including roasted pork and duck and seafood delicacies like mussels, clams, oysters and lobster.

The night ended with a casino including blackjack and Wheel of Fortune tables.

Great job as usual by the event planners, Jennifer Bassett and her team at Bassett Events.

The gala successfully raised over $300,000 at this first-ever “Glitter in Macau” and we hope it continues to grow. Funds go to support the referral site for Ontario’s most critically ill newborns, SickKids Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

“The Chinese Cabinet and a volunteer event committee were instrumental in making this one-of-a-kind event successful,” said Justin Poy, SickKids Foundation Board Member and Co-Chair, Chinese Cabinet. “This leadership group provides insight on the campaign and helps build connections to strengthen the partnership of the Chinese community and SickKids.”

Last year, the SickKids NICU treated 703 patients, including children as young as 23 weeks who often weigh only one pound. Support for the NICU will help offer the most fragile patients the best chance of living long, healthy, and productive lives.

For more info about SickKids Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), click here.


At the casino tables

At the casino tables

Winning the grand prize draw

Winning the grand prize draw

SickKids teddy bear

SickKids teddy bear


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At the Wedding Co's "Wedding Room" hosted at Arcadian

Nick Lee

Editor and Photos at