Protein supplements have become a staple in many households for individuals looking to sustain a healthy lifestyle – from body builders to nutritionists incorporating them into their daily routine and even their family’s breakfast smoothie.
Vegan proteins have gained popularity with health conscious consumers, but have been known to produce side effects including digestive distress and bloating. Just in time to include in your spring fitness regime, Genuine Health introduced a new product that has shaken up the protein supplement landscape – fermented vegan proteins+.
Key Benefits
- Plant-powered protein without the bloat!
- Highly absorbable, proven formula that strengthens gut health and amplifies your nutrition
- Maximized protein and nutrient absorption
And for happier, healthier abs follow this “gut guide”:
- It’s all about the chew – The more chewing you do in your mouth, the easier it will be on your digestive tract resulting in less bloating around the mid-section.
- Keep processed foods to a minimum – it’s ruthless to healthy gut bacteria
- Fermented foods – try kimchi, sauerkraut, live yogurt and for those with busy schedules fermented protein powders such as Genuine Health’s fermented vegan proteins+ makes it easy to add fermented products in your daily shakes or foods.
- Fluids – This is key for maintaining regular movement through the digestive tract. Aim for 2 litres of fluid daily (more if you’re active)
- Anti-oxidant rich foods – feeds healthy bacteria such as berries, broccoli, garlic, nuts, dark chocolate and wine
Photo courtesy of Genuine Health