I knew from the moment I sat down on the yellow school bus in the Rogers Centre parking lot and watched as a few guys ahead cracked open some cider, that this was the beginning of an awesome weekend ahead.
Even though we unknowingly had a half an hour hike ahead, once we arrived at the front gates, nothing else mattered. The thought of lugging our heavy bags in and to the campsite quickly diminished as we arrived at camp and settled in, and from there on in the weekend was a blur of heat, music, and great times.
I could go on and on about the artists and the highlights of their sets, but that would bore you. I think it’s safe to assume that Arcade Fire and The Killers both put on show stopping performances – the type that everyone can bust a couple of moves and sing along to seamlessly. Famous acts aside, Montreal’s Half Moon Run were the peak of the festival in my mind. Not just because they played under the WayBold tent and provided a much needed relief from the hot Saturday sun, but because they played with a spine tingling energy – you could tell that they put 100 percent into their performances and each one is as important as any other.
The campsites were in close proximity to the festival, which made for an easy commute between sets to grab snacks and drinks. It was comforting knowing that relief from the sun was always a stone throw away. The food was great as well, although the lineups in general admission were long for many of the trucks during the day. I had a couple of vouchers for The Drake food stands in the VIP area. I enjoyed my nachos as I sat against the barn and faced the main stage. Did I mention the VIP area was an awesome escape? The air-conditioned bathrooms, shade tent, water refill stations with no lines, and barn full of art to explore made for more of a luxurious experience.
I could hardly believe when Sunday rolled around and we had to pack up already – the weekend few by, we all thought. Once The Killers were finished their set and I had no voice left and jelly-like legs, it was time to go. As we pulled out and headed for the exit, it all seemed too good to be true, like the sun was all that had held us back this weekend. The weekend was the ultimate balance of high energy and relaxation, a perfect summer getaway for music lovers.
The good news is you can already save the date for WayHome July 28-30, 2017.
For more visit www.wayhome.com
Photos by Lucy Alguire

Also check out WayHome 2015.