Rebranding a company can be a scary undertaking, sometimes it’s unavoidable. Similar to people, companies are always evolving. Imagine if the e-mail on your business card was from your very first e-mail account. Can you imagine clients taking you seriously with an e-mail like hockeystar_14 or cutiepiex0x? Although you may still be a hockey star (or a cutie pie), you’ve evolved, matured and are looking to connect with others more professionally.

Serena Holmes, Tigris President and CEO
Tigris Events is one such company which recently went through a rebranding process. They have operated under the name Tigris Personnel for nearly a decade; only recently transitioning to Tigris Events and working with brands such as Grace Foods, Labatt and Canadian Tire.
Back in 2013, Tigris legally dropped “personnel” from their name and marketing with hope that prospective clients would understand that they are more than just a staffing agency. It was crucial to rebrand to attract new business – and target more of the business they wanted.
The catch?
Dropping it from their email addresses, social media and especially their domain name was far more complicated than they imagined. Also, since 2012, they invested heavily in SEO and didn’t want to damage the first page rankings they had worked so hard to achieve.
Attracting a high volume of new clients over the past 3 years, they say it finally felt like the right time to take the plunge. To have the desired impact and resonate more clearly with their clients, they completed this transition in October 2016 by consistently changing the name across all avenues to Tigris Events.
If you’re thinking about rebranding your company, Tigris suggests leveraging the following tips for a seamless transition.
1. Send out a newsletter
Inform your community and tell your story. Let them know about the changes and why you’ve decided to take the plunge. Use your mailing list to share the news and start conversations with past and potential clients.
2. Cohesive social handles
If you’re implementing a name or logo change, be sure to update all of your social media channels. Thankfully, it’s pretty simple to change your handles on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You don’t have to make a new account, so your followers won’t be affected. Just make sure the name you want is available across all platforms for consistency.
3. Print new business cards
This is something you can’t sit on – update your business cards immediately. Business cards are still an effective direct marketing tool and as the first impression of your brand, they’ve got to make a good and accurate impression.
4. Be sure your clients can find you
Make sure everything is re-directed, including emails and visitors to your previous website. It’s a good idea to broadcast the rebranding on your home page, as well as your email signature so no one gets confused.
As of Oct. 15th, 2016 Tigris successfully rebranded from a name they held onto for over a decade. In the past few months, they have attracted many new clients looking for Tigris to plan, execute and staff their events, and they know it’s not a coincidence. If you’re looking to expand your clientele and offer enhanced services or new products, consider rebranding so your offerings are clear.

For more information about Tigris Events:
telephone: 1-844-4TIGRIS