Pink lights glowed within the classical architecture of the Bloor Gladstone Library with a sign hung from the entry doors that read…
If you’re like me, the notion of “partying in a library” may conjure up images of bi-spectacled literary inclined bookworms and their cohorts gathered around in a tight circle to discuss Chaucer while snacking on Cheetos. Well, that perception was forever shattered when we attended the inaugural Hush Hush Party, which was one of the best events we attended last year.
It was definitely a Saturday night to remember with DJs and open bar at the intimately-sized after-hours party at the incredible and spacious Bloor/Gladstone branch. And it was not just a great party for the sake of a great party: it was all in support of the Toronto Public Library Foundation. I really enjoyed all the careful attention to details of this well put-together event thrown by New Collection, The Toronto Public Library Foundation’s young patrons group. Even though it…