As they made their grand entrance, Special Olympic Athletes – the indisputable stars of the show – were met with cheers and high-fives. Their presence undoubtedly contributed to the infectious energy that characterized this year’s motionball Toronto Gala presented by the AIRMILES Reward Program. So did a touching performance from Karl Wolf and empowering comments from everyone from motionaball founder Paul Etherington, to Olympic champion figure skater Tessa Virtue.
In celebration of Chinese New Year’s Year of the pig, the zodiac representing good luck and prosperity, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation hosted their 30th annual benefit gala, “Dragon Ball”. Yee Hong is a non-profit organization for geriatric care was the first residential hospice built by the Chinese community in Scarborough.
Eat to the Beat returns for the 23rd annual culinary gala, featuring 60 top female chefs while raising funds in support of breast cancer. The event conveys a powerful message and the strong support for women through the challenges. The event took place at Roy Thompson Hall, sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society GTA (CCS), filled with great food, drinks, and fun for this great cause as proceeds are directed to CCS programs and services to help support anyone living with breast cancer…
If you were downtown by Union Station or Scotiabank Arena on Thursday, September 20th and you were navigating through a flood of youth, you know WE Day is back in town. WE Day is a massive youth event bringing together 20,000 students and educators from more than 1,200 schools who made a difference in their communities across Ontario.
It may have been almost three months, but we still can’t believe Toronto’s notorious Power Ball is already over. The event may have first started up almost twenty years ago, but it seems only to have fought its way to the coveted spot at the top of fashionable Toronto’s social calendar in the past few years. For those not in the know, the Power Ball is a public arts fundraising event, with all money going towards supporting artists and funding…