There’s no party quite like one thrown by a library. Hosting its fourth annual Hush Hush Party-in-the-Stacks at the modern Bloor/Gladstone Library, the Toronto Public Library raised money with proceeds going towards the TPL Foundation. This year’s theme was a “Heroes and Villains Takeover” and the theme seems fitting as Halloween is fast approaching. The event was held on Saturday, October 15, 2016.
The 3rd Annual Stems of Hope gala boldly proclaimed to have an un-precedented event filled with amazement, entertainment and education. Walking right in the decor of the retro superhero theme was a delight for guests both young and young-at-heart. It was quite confusing to have the different themes of a gala (at the Kool Haus of all places), with superheroes mixed with old school rap but that’s what made this gala really fun. Somehow it all just worked and it’s…