Hattendo, a long-standing bakery chain starting in 1933, famously known for their Japanese-styled cream-filled pastries, recently launched their Christmas Basque Cheesecake set, heavily inspired by the winter season.

Last year, Hattendo had much success with their limited cheesecake holiday cake. Now they’re offering another Basque cheesecake has a gooey mouth-feel and a creamy caramelized finish, making it the perfect holiday dessert. These small bites are packed with flavour. Each set comes in four flavours: original, matcha, oreo, and chestnut.

Limited Christmas Basque Cheesecake


Original is topped with a crumbly bed of graham crust, whipped cream and blueberries. Matcha is a rich green tea flavour. The santa hat adds a festive touch. The decadence in the classic oreo flavour is rich and sweet. Finally, chestnut has a warming, roasty eat-by-the-fireplace feel.

With Markville Mall as Hattendo’s newest location, which opened December 15th, they now have seven stores total in the Toronto and Greater Toronto Area!

Photos by Janey Tso

Newest address: 5000 Hwy 7 #1012 (Markville Mall Location)
Instagram: @hattendocanada

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Janey Tso