Category: fitness

As the months are passing by us alongside chocolate indulging holidays, seems now may be the ideal time to set a future target to physically motivate yourself to maintain your fitness routine. We’re happy to highlight five upcoming off road physical challenges that may be the motivator you’re looking for.

Guide to Winter Workouts

Finally, sub-zero, snowy, true Canadian winter is here and as a popular saying goes “there’s no such thing as bad weather, there’s only bad clothing.” And I couldn’t agree more. To help you start cherishing and enjoying this season as many Canadians do, this is our guide to getting the most out of Canadian winters by embracing outdoor activities.

Pilates takes time, effort and grit to do well. It requires dedication, persistence, and mental and physical effort during every single session and class. It’s exhausting, not because you’re moving too much, but because for the first time you’re realizing that it is possible to get and stay fit by consciously benefiting your body, and mind without vigor. If I didn’t try Lili Viola’s classical Pilates classes, all of this would sound too good to be true, and frankly…

Winter running workout

Welcome to the fall season! With rain and a few final big running races on the horizon, many running enthusiasts have a difficult time maintaining their training schedule. I’ve been there and would steer everyone clear of embracing the Thanksgiving, Halloween and all the other holiday food coma by combining it with new, exciting and unique ways of keeping your running steady, even when the weather isn’t the greatest.

Many companies and organizations talk about empowering millennials to be creative thinkers, game changers, leaders, and adventurers rather than settle for status quo. However, if you are a GenY leader with an idea, and are looking for feedback, suggestions, and maybe even a tiny bit of funding, many companies tend to come up short. Even less common, is when a company actively sets out to inspire and empower Gen Y to get creative with their entrepreneurial ideas, educate them on…

What better way to celebrate the longest day of the year, and the start of summer, than by immersing yourself in nature found smack dab in the midst of urban Toronto. Again this year, Salomon Toronto at the Shops at Don Mills is hosting the Summer Solstice Day of Trail Runs on June 20, 2015. The idea is that anybody that wants to can join in on a group run on the nearby Sunnybrook Park trails between sunrise and sunset…

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