As they made their grand entrance, Special Olympic Athletes – the indisputable stars of the show – were met with cheers and high-fives. Their presence undoubtedly contributed to the infectious energy that characterized this year’s motionball Toronto Gala presented by the AIRMILES Reward Program. So did a touching performance from Karl Wolf and empowering comments from everyone from motionaball founder Paul Etherington, to Olympic champion figure skater Tessa Virtue.
In celebration of Chinese New Year’s Year of the pig, the zodiac representing good luck and prosperity, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation hosted their 30th annual benefit gala, “Dragon Ball”. Yee Hong is a non-profit organization for geriatric care was the first residential hospice built by the Chinese community in Scarborough.
The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has officially taken over the city, rolling out the red carpets for Hollywood’s finest. But it’s not just about the films, snapping cameras and glam, guest list-only parties (and mild hangovers). The jam-packed gifting and experiential suites are bustling at the seams with swag and services (hair, makeup and massages) to so generously gift the familiar faces that grace their doors. Naturally, being a celebrity comes with some pretty nice perks – but being…
Now that we’re deep in the hazy days of summer, there has been time to reflect upon the first half of the year in Toronto – in particular, on the city’s lively social scene. Between functions that fell flat, over-the-top galas that won’t be forgotten and fundraisers that generated important dollars, some events stood out from the rest.