It was another sight to behold as a sea of 2,300 people dressed all in white set up for this year’s edition of Diner en Blanc 2015 in Toronto.
Originating in Paris, France over 25 years ago, Diner en Blanc is a globally-celebrated pop-up dinner party where guests dress in all-white. The 3rd annual Diner en Blanc in Toronto took place last night, September 18, 2014. About 1,400 guests dressed all in white went to various meeting points across the city such as the ROM and Thompson Hotel to board coach buses which took them to the very secret location of the pop-up dinner.
Growing from last year’s inaugural event, this 2nd iteration of the Diner en Blanc in Toronto had 1,600 participants come together at a secret location for an elegant pop-up picnic all dressed in white. Guests are brought to meet-up points and made aware of the venue at the last hour. It was in a parking lot at Queen Street just east of Church Street. I had recently lived nearby so it was interesting to see familiar grounds turned into a…
The highly-anticipated Diner en Blanc secret dinner party came to Toronto for the first time on Aug 9, 2012. It originated in Paris over 20 years ago and now assembles nearly 15,000 people every year in various sites of prestige including the Pont des Arts, the Effel Tower site, the Louvre Pyramid, the Trocadéro Esplanade, Place Vendôme, Château de Versailles, the Esplanade de Notre-Dame, the Esplanade des Invalides, the periphery of the Place de l’Étoile, the Champs-Élysées, Place de la…