Author: Nellie Chen

Located in the charming neighbourhood of Little Italy, YamChops (705 College Street) is a new option for those who wish to incorporate more veggie fares in their routine. Hailed as a vegetarian butcher shop (quite the intriguing oxymoron), this new eatery promotes plant-based proteins to be a staple of any kitchen or diet.

The Summerworks 2014 launch party at the Campbell House

With the brilliance of summer ambiance filling the city, the 2014 SummerWorks Performance Festival kicked off with a unique and remarkable launch party at Toronto’s Campbell House. Over 10 artists converged on the grounds this historical residence, bringing together a night of beguiling performance art in support of the festival.

Synonymous with citrus groves, the scenic Valencia is home to many Spanish delicacies, including a new Tempranillo debuting at the LCBO with the distinctive name, Radio Boka. Last week at iYellow Wine Cave, I had the pleasure of tasting this versatile red with the makers of the wine.

Sophie Milman

Beneath the sheltering sky and surrounded by the soaring pines of Southern Ontario, rests the magnificent McMichael Canadian Art Collection. Last Saturday, lit by the jeweled stars of an early summer night, we had the pleasure of attending the McMichael’s premier fundraiser, Moonlight Gala 2014, held on the spectacular forested grounds of the gallery.

With a feast for your eyes, a banquet to fill your belly, and a cause to warm your heart, the food and beverage purveyors at The Stop’s Night Market showcased their best last week, in support of The Stop Community Food Centre.

In support of cancer research, almost a dozen firefighters strutted their stuff on stage at Tattoo on Queen West, to promote the Toronto Firefighter Calendar. Hosted by 103.9 Proud FM’s Mike Chalut, and joined by judges Natalie Deane from Cosmo TV and Liza Stinton from Big Brother Canada, this naughty bash got a little steamy.

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